What is Expressive Art?

Expressive Art is the process of creating with the intention to heal. Expressive Art uses the modalities of creative writing, music, movement & sound, 2D & 3D visual art, and drama/theater.

 Concepts from others who facilitate healing:

 “Expressive arts incorporate all of the four intelligences: mental, emotional, physical, and energetic or intuitive.” - Natalie Rogers, The Creative Connection

“Healing ultimately occurs as the body accepts and experiences aspects of the self that have been denied awareness.” - Natalie Rogers, The Creative Connection

 “The expressive arts lead us into the unconscious and allow us to express previously unknown facets of ourselves, thus bringing to light new information, awareness, and deeper self-acceptance. Such personal growth takes place in a safe, supportive environment that is created by facilitators.” -Natalie Rogers, The Creative Connection

 “Our sense of agency, how much we feel in control, is defined by our relationship with our bodies and its rhythms.” -Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

 “Our maps of the world are encoded in the emotional brain-” “The body keeps the score, at the deepest levels of the organism.” “-unlocking secrets is a gradual process.” “Finding a responsive community in which to tell your truth makes recovery possible.” -Bessel Van Der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

 “In order to find our voice, we have to be in our bodies; able to breathe in fully and able to access our inner sensations.” -Peggy Rubin, To Be and How to Be